Öckerö gymnasium

A long day of traveling

From a cold Sweden to a warm Spain we came with backpain.

The day started at 03:30 in the morning. I packed the last things and then I sat down in the car to Gothenburg. By 05:00 we went with a bus with almost the whole class to our first destination Copenhagen where the plane was waiting for us. Everything on the airport was pretty good and after some delays the plane left the airport at about 11:25. The flight was very calm and the only disturbing thing was the cold floor. By 3 pm the plane I landed in Malaga with a group of quite confused students. Everyone got their package and no one lost a thing. We found the busdriver that was supposed to drive us but he couldn’t speak English so Annika in our class (who can talk fluent Spanish) had to translate for us. When everything was clear the bus driver took us to the bus and drove us through the city while Spanish music was played from the back of the bus. We came to the port, took our bags and walked a way too long length to Gunilla with our 2x20 kilo bags.

And so! We were on the boat with hurting shoulders and backpain. But it was worth it. Now we were finally at Gunilla and that was really nice. When everyone bags was in the cabins it was time for a line-up and later dinner. When the dinner was over we had a chance to pack up our bags. That was a little bit crazy and everyone was stressed, but after a while the floor was empty from clothes and it felt quite cozy. I went to my bed to sleep quite early at night because of the exhausting trip. And so the first day came to its end.

Ps. The beds are very comfortable here! Thumps up for that.

Matilda, midship watch.


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se