Öckerö gymnasium

Catching Cackarachas

After an eventful week on the beautiful Ilha do Faial we’ve now left the volcanic mountain and black sand beaches behind for our next trip to Portsmouth, England. This is the first full day at sea and we have eleven more days to go until we reach the fifth and last port of this voyage. Even though it is the first day, I have already lost all perception of time and last time I woke up I thought it was time for our evening watch but it turns out it was breakfast, this left me somewhat confused but I’m not complaining.

After an eventful week on the beautiful Ilha do Faial we’ve now left the volcanic mountain and black sand beaches behind for our next trip to Portsmouth, England. This is the first full day at sea and we have eleven more days to go until we reach the fifth and last port of this voyage. Even though it is the first day, I have already lost all perception of time and last time I woke up I thought it was time for our evening watch but it turns out it was breakfast, this left me somewhat confused but I’m not complaining.

Today I spent my watch in the galley, helping the chef prepare lunch. Today we had beans, fish and potato with white wine sauce. After the watch, not much happened, we had some lessons, I drew a sperm whale for a school project. Later I went up on deck, watched some dolphins and saw a whale, it was fairly close, maybe 20 meters away and we think it was a fin whale. After that I took a nap and then we had watch again.

Today we started a game aboard and the point of the game is to catch as many cockroaches as you can. So I did. First of course we did what we had to do, we cleaned the galley and then prepared Fika for the watch but then we had a half hour left and in that half hour I caught about eleven cockroaches. Today has in its entirety been quite uneventful but it has been a good day nonetheless.

Best regards from the Atlantic

Alex S, Styrbord


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se