Öckerö gymnasium

Disturbance at the general conference

It's hard the have the Boat's general conference when the continental shelf under us forces the whales to come up and play. They were swimming in the surfaces and wolfed all the nutrients from the abyss below.

It's hard the have the Boat's general conference when the continental shelf under us forces the whales to come up and play. They were swimming in the surfaces and wolfed all the nutrients from the abyss below. Breaking the surfaces with their jet black fins; just as they break the surfaces, someone erupts "Val" the whole ship comes to stand still, and try to get a glimpse of this marvellous creature rarely spotted by mortal eyes. You sit there and marvel at its beauty.

I think whales are one of the most marvellous creatures the sea has to offer. The way they blow water high up in the air, filling the watch with joy. When another whale brakes the surface, we scream and the watch lines up by the rails cramming to get a glimpse of the animale.

Today we saw whales on multiple occasions, as said, we are closing into the continental shelf of Europe were the waters become extremely shallow (compared to the Atlantic ocean). We are experiencing deaths of 100 meters, but compared to 3000 to 5000 meters it's nothing. It feels a bit weird to sail in shallow waters. But at home 100 to 200 meters is a lot. It feels a bit odd that soon we are sailing across the north sea home to you.

The sea-fire is so bright right now, and you can see the horizon even in the middle of the night with no ships in sight. Sailing through these conditions is magical, especially when the dolphins jump in front of the bow lighting up the path around them.

Christian Löf, Port


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se