Öckerö gymnasium

Gunilla students at Carrefour

We debated on how to carry our groceries to make it less heavy and that’s when we made the discovery, a lonely shopping cart in the streets of Mallorca.

It was a little past 07:00 am. Gabriella knocked on the door, pushed down the handle, turned the lights on and with the sweetest voice she greeted us a good morning. She tells us how many minutes there are left until breakfast and that’s when I -in my slow awakening, made the responsible decision to sleep through breakfast and instead eat at the ten o'clock fika, which I did.

The others (midship) were on guard preparing food or making sure that any unauthorized person doesn’t get on the boat, while the rest of us who had free studies decided to bunker up on snacks and goodies for study motivation and the five day sealeg to Malaga. With sailor jackets and rain boots on to protect us from the tiny amount of rain that fell every 5 minutes we surely but slowly made our way to the nearest Carrefour inside a shopping centre by the name of Porto Pi.

That’s how you know that there’s an upcoming sealeg, when a wave of Gunilla students can be found at the nearest supermarket wandering around in circles. We spent a long amount of time deciding on which spanish snacks to munch on during the five upcoming days we’ll be spending at sea, emptying and refilling our carts repeatedly.

The sun snuck up on us on the way home which made us quickly regret the outfit of choice, because not only did we have heavy bags filled with empty calories and kilograms of fruit, but now we also had our sailor jackets and heavy boots making us sweat and giving us a even harder time. We debated on how to carry our groceries to make it less heavy and that’s when we made the discovery, a lonely shopping cart in the streets of Mallorca. After a quick exchange of looks of reassurance, we put our bags into the cart. With the sun in our backs we started pushing our way back to the boat, where a warm and delicious dinner was awaiting us.

Setare Azad, Styrbord


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se