Öckerö gymnasium


13th every year. Today it is Lucia. It is a Swedish christmas tradition that is on the december.

Me and my watch, starboard, woke everyone up by singing ”the Lucia song”, ”Så mörk är natten” and ”Staffan var en stalledräng” . They all are typical swedish songs you sing during ”Lucia”. We also had decorations with silver sparkles/glitter in our hair and candles in our hands. Sofia our watchleader was the ”Lucia” so she had candles in her hair aswell. We went in a line to every cabin and sang so I think everyone had a great start off there day. It was really cosy and after I felt happy and ready to start the day.

We are in Santa Cruz, Tenerife right now. It is the last day here because we are going to sail to Cape verde tommorow morning. Today it was our turn to have watch and because we are in habour we wasn´t allowed to go off the ship. My posistion was gangwaywatch with a girl in my watch . That means I have to sit still on a chair for twelve hours exept when I eat. I get to see all my friends leave the ship and have fun in the city. I thought it was really boring so I asked Sofia if I could help with anything. So instead of sitting still the whole day I have cleaned the wardrobe with towels and sheets and I have also sorted and cleaned the potato and onion storage.

After our watch I have just eaten dinner, cleaned my cabin and then I was watching a movie with my friend. It is the evening know and I am going to bed soon. Overall I had a lovely day and I look forward for tommorow and when we arives to Cape verde.

Best regards,



Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se