Öckerö gymnasium

Our last free day in Lübeck

Fortunately, I had a free day today, and tried therefore, to use my time wisely.

For me at that time, it meant doing things I won’t be able to do the next six days. One of those things is, running on Lübecks small cobblestone-alleys between colourful houses and medieval churches. Especially, in the morning when it’s a bit chilly and the city is still asleep and there are no annoying cars who will try to kill you as soon as you put your foot down to cross the road. So, I went for a little run with some others before breakfast, which was nice and energizing. Or, so I thought. Right after our traditional morning meeting, I could barely keep my eyes open and went to bed again.

After lunch, I finally went out to enjoy my last hours in Lübeck. We bought some food and I had a very interesting interview with Mr Lüttke, who is part of the left orientated party in Lübeck. For my two friends who joined me, it must have been boring not being able to understand the German conversation. But, they could at least experience the little, dark and smoky cavern with Cuba banners on the walls and a mouldy smell in the air. As well as watching the other party members drinking black coffee, and giving us some oddly gazes.

Afterwards we went paddling canoe on the river here in Lübeck, which was very convenient because we almost had 30 degrees today and it was cooling to put your feet into the water. One might think that three Gunilla-students should faultlessly manage to paddle along a river in a little simple canoe without any complicate sails. Anyway, this was not the case. As a Gunilla-student you’re quite used to being a kind of tourist attraction, with people stopping by asking questions, pointing and taking photos. Normally though, there faces are filled with enthusiasm and rapture, this time they more of laughed at us and told us to practice more. I wonder if they would have told us that if they knew that we’ve sailed over the Atlantic Ocean. I think it was fun and a great day anyway, and now I feel ready to head for Portsmouth.



Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se