Öckerö gymnasium

Stuck on a boat in Barcelona

I’m looking out through the window in the cafeteria. The sun has just set over a lively Barcelona. People are walking by. Some are even stopping by, pointing at the top of the mast before they continue their way. I can see some people at the open air café right over the street bowl their glasses. People are laughing in every corner. Music flows out from the kitchen. What a lovely day it’s been, and what’s even more lovely is that we got 5 more days here.

Six days ago we left Gibraltar. My watch, namely midship got to have the 12-4 watch. You might think waking up in the middle of the night sounds horrible, at least so did I at first. But by now, by the time it’s over I couldn’t love it more. Therefor it was pretty sad when we today at 12pm had our last 12-4 watch. I got to be the lookout, helmsman and safety watch. I’m not going to lie, being alone and quiet for 4 hours may not be my favorite thing to do, but the post has some charm to it too. I mean when you’re standing as lookout and dolphins are swimming in front of the boat you almost forget how much you want to crawl back to bed.

So what have we been up to today? Midships had the watch duty and some maintenance work, while the starboard and portside watches got to explore Barcelona by themselves. Some people varnished the gunwale, while some, including me greased wires. We used the bosun′s chair to grease the higher parts which was way fun. Tons of people stopped by to take some pictures which made it even more fun.

Tomorrow we in midship get to explore Barcelona ourselves, which I’m very excited about.


Alma, Midships


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se