Öckerö gymnasium

The first whale

Someone screamed “whale!” and all ran to starboard side of the boat and there it was so big and cool. Just when the whale dived all the other in the crew came up and missed the whale.


Today is it a similar day as always on Gunilla, nothing special happened today. Skipped breakfast this morning. Woke up at 07:48 o'clock, dressed up fast as f*** ran up the stairs to start my work period between 8 and 12 o'clock. The work was great and the time just ran away. After the period I ate lunch it was very good. I was really tired after the lunch so I went to my bed for a nap, I told my self to just sleep for 1 hour or something like that but it ended up with 4 hours, typical me. After the nap I started my computer and tried to study but that didn't go so well. Started the night work at 20:00 to 24:00 on this period did we nothing special we cleaned up the boat, that isn't so fun but it is very important. Yesterday was a very fantastic day we saw the first wale on this trip, I were lucky to see it because I went up on deck fifty minutes before I was told to. Then 10 minutes later someone screamed “whale!” and all ran to starboard side of the boat and there it was so big and cool. Just when the whale dived all the other in the crew came up and missed the whale. This is all I have to write about. It is awesome here on Gunilla. Take care.

Hugs and kisses from

Jesper Nordbye


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se