Öckerö gymnasium

Visitors from T/S Älva

This is our last day in Portsmouth before we sail through the English canal down to Cherbourg in France.

10/9-1And today as always, we had our line-up at eight a clock, but this morning one of our guard leader went through T/S Gunilla´s safety plan and refreshed us in how to use the different fire-extinguishers. After the line-up, I and some other persons who didn´t had watch today went out to do some interviews about Brexit which I thought was very exciting because there were so many different opinions on the street.

In the afternoon, we went visiting a memorial place for the second world war which was kind of interesting but also very sad because they had written the names of some of those who died in second world war on a big wall. It was a very beautiful memorial place with a lot of big statues.

Around six a clock we had visitors on T/S Gunilla, three students from the Swedish school ship T/S Älva. We showed them around in our ship and they joined us for our open stage that we had here on Gunilla this evening. It was very fun!

After the open stage, I and three other persons in the class followed them back to their ship and got a tour on T/S Älva. It was a very nice ship and a lot of the decoration on it had been there since 1930. On T/S Älva we talked to the students there, they were 39 people on their ship and we are 54 so we are a little bigger but not much. They were the same age as us and they studied marine biology in Stockholm.

This last day in Portsmouth has been great and I look forward to arriving in Cherbourg tomorrow!

Maja B, starboard


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se