Öckerö gymnasium

A day at the beach

The third and last trip has just begun and it all still feels a bit unreal. We are overly exited to be here considering the global circumstances. It really is crazy thinking about how privileged we are to do this, not only in a pandemic but generally. This is our school, a place where we basically learn by seeing and doing.

Today I got woken up per usual at 7 am, and then ate breakfast with the rest of the trainees. Me and some friends then packed our bags and got ready for a full day at the beach. The water here in Las palmas is so beautiful and therefor the beach has been one of the favourite places in our class. It is also one of very few areas where it is not required to wear facemasks in this country.

After the line-up we went to the grocery store to buy some picnic. Then we searched for the best spot at the beach, which we thought we’d found. About an hour later the time water wanted that spot as well so we all had to move our stuff. Besides that, our beach day was very peaceful with the warming sun and the big waves.

We finished the day off by eating some chicken and roasted potatoes and then we slowly left Las Palmas and are now headed to El Hierro.

I hope you are all feeling good!

Zelda Ekelund, Midships


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se