Öckerö gymnasium

A day of relaxing and working

”Knock, Knock” the door said and as usual it was the rondman coming in at 7 am to wake us up. Today I was really tired and actually fell back to sleep. I woke up by myself and realized I was probably about to miss breakfast if I didn't run there which in the end became the choice I took.

I always like to start a long day with breakfast or else I would probably end up getting a headache. Today was a bit of a special day. We're supposed to go on a trip to the beaches of Normandie to look where the Americans and Canadians started their invasion of D-day.

I was really excited for this as I like history and D-day was a very important day of our history. Without the invasion by the allies, Europe wouldn't be the same as it is today. Unfortunately for us the bus we're supposed to take was not available
and we could not go. I was frightened that instead of a trip we would have to work all day long. Luckily for us David our Dos came up with the idea that everybody was free until 3 pm and then we would start working.

Being off duty until 3 pm meant one thing, which was to take advantage of the day and use it wisely. The day was sunny and warm and as I said a perfect day for a proper french breakfast. Me and a few others went grocery hunting after baguettes, croissants, pastries, nutella and soft drinks. After finding everything one big thing was missing, a cozy place to sit down and enjoy the sun and food.

We went around for approximately 40 minutes and found a park that had a little pond and some benches. The food was delicious like the company. We sat and enjoyed the sun for more than 3 hours. With a little more than 1 hour left until my watch begun we climbed a little mountain and the view up there was indescribable.

The time hit 3 pm and us in portside started working. Me and Martha checked all
survival life jackets and since it was still sunny and hot I couldn't be happier with the assignment that I had. After checking all the lifejackets it was time for cleaning. Today I cleaned where the crew lives and their toilets. I'm not a big fan of cleaning but I know it has to be done and especially needs to be done so I did the work efficiently and well.

Dinner was around the corner and today fish soup was served. I have always liked shrimp and clams so I was really happy with the selection of food. Today was a really good day and I ended it by doing some studying with a
good cup of tea.



Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se