Öckerö gymnasium

A list of 10 things

We have now been at sea for 27 days, longer than any of us has been out

Everyday is more or less a copy of the day before. We eat, sleep, go on watch, study, eat, sleep, go on watch, study and repeat. The things to do on your free time are also limited when you are on a
boat. Even though we probably have to stay inside when we get home, I feel like there’s much more to do there. Therefore, I’ve gathered a list of ten things you can do in quarantine. Maybe some of you are getting tired of being home and need some inspiration.

1. Take up gardening. If your lawn doesn’t need a trim you can always grow a few tomatoes or some herbs in your living room.
2. Learn a new skill. Haven’t you always wanted to learn how to
handstand? Or maybe ride a unicycle? Well, now is your time to shine.
3. Take a walk. Not just a short one around the block. Listen to a
podcast or audiobook and take a long walk in the forest, and maybe even bring some cookies and have a snack break.
4. Bake. Cookies, cupcakes, macarons, biscotti, bread, buns, scones,
cakes, the options are endless. Try something new and maybe you will find yourself a new favourite.
5. Read a book. Many of you are probably alredy doing this but I still
think it deserves a spot on the list, because it’s a great thing to do
in quarantine.
6. Find a new hobby. Maybe you have an inner picasso just waiting to be discovered. If painting isn’t your cup of tea some other options are knitting, sewing, bird watching, frisbee golf, thriatlon, fifa,
songwriting, restoring ol bikes and photography.
7. Cook. Make your husband, mom or maybe your dog a fancy three course dinner.
8. Play games. This is a popular one here onboard. Hours and hours can be filled with cardgames, Catan and Monopoly.
9. Play an instrument. Has your drumset been collecting dust in the
garage since you, in your early twenties, realized you’re never going to be a rockstar? Who knows, maybe it’s not too late yet?
10. Clean. Yes, I know I should finish with something extra fun but if
you haven’t found something on the list yet, this is the sign you where waiting for. Go sort that pile of laundry you have been procrastinating for a week. It will feel better afterwards, I promise.



Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se