Öckerö gymnasium

Are we a cult now?

Day 31. We have been here on the boat for a whole month now. I would say that this is my home nowadays.

My watch is like a family and every individual is one different character. We have the father, the mother, the annoying sisters, the always competing and fighting brothers, the weird uncle, the lovely aunt, the stepmom, the grumpy grandfather and the dog figure.

Just like a family we have our own traditions. Every watch starts with a ritual where we sit in a circle and hold hands. Then we sing together “Vem kan segla för utan vind?”, its actually beautiful and a bit creepy. After that we say together to one person each, one after one another “You are beautiful, I am happy to be in the same watch as you!”. Then the person answers “I am beautiful!”. Once we have said that to every member in the family we say out loud “We are beautiful!” five times. To finish it off we grab hands again and look up to the stars.

Yup. After 31 days at sea you go crazy. This tradition that we have would be really weird to do at home… But after a month its okay. Our ritual has become important to us. We do it when we need good energy and when life on the boat gets ruff.

I know that it sounds like we have become a cult. And I mean maybe we have. But in times like this we need to stick together and who sticks together more than a cult?

I wonder what traditions we will develop later on the trip. I hope that we don’t will come up with any more stupid ideas, but I mean on this boat you never know!

Tilde, starboard.


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se