Öckerö gymnasium

Into a big blur

Today marked the second day at sea and we are slowly getting used to the waves and the watch schedule once again. Soon we won’t even think about it and the days will start to mash together into a big blur.

But before that happens, I will tell you about this day. It started as usual at 7 in the morning with some breakfast before watch at 8. Most of the watch was spent up in the masts to do some maintenance work that had to be done. It was fun to climb but also a bit challenging since the waves hits a bit harder up there. Overall the watch flew by, but at the end I had to something that was less fun. A friend and I had to recompress the garbage. It wasn`t great but it had to be done since we have no idea when the next garbage disposal will be.

The night watch was thankfully free from garbage. It was really cozy actually. We sat some sails, ate French toast and listened to our watch leader as she read a book out loud to us. That was my day, with some classes in between of course.

As far as our new route goes I'm really excited. I'm sure it will be tough at times but at the same time it will be one of the coolest experiences of our lives. Right now it's all about keeping up the good spirits and spreading positivity. So that's what I will keep on doing.

Romeo, portside


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se