Öckerö gymnasium

Last day of the leg

Our last day before arriving in Ceuta. Follow me, Rasmus Djerf, on board T/S Gunilla to see how a day in the 4-8 watch is like. You will read everything from exiting galley times to long lessons and rig work.

Woke up at 3:40 am from Jacob shaking me to life. Everything I could think was that I could have payed someone good amounts of money to let me stay in my bunk this very morning. Unfortunately, there was no one to take my money and let me stay in the bunk. Up I went to take over the watch together with the rest of starboard. I spent, together with Lina BW, the morning in the galley. Quite a nice time after all. After the very popular night-fika, chocolate cake and sandwiches with grilled cheese, it was time to clean the galley and prepare breakfast. Wågis, our first chef, came in and cooked some porridge and eggs. 8 am had our watch ended and we eat breakfast. Very nice juice this morning, Frutas Tropicales, mmm. I slept, as usual, a couple of nice hours before waking up to lunch. Feels like this whole lifestyle is eat, sleep and repeat. I’m loving it. Erling, our Director of Studies, had a presentation of Ceuta where we are mooring tomorrow. The expectations are high. Some lessons and vanilla-cinnamon rolls before taking over the watch, once again. The watch was filled with some rig work, splicing and teaching/learning new knots. We made a song about our second officer Jerker which turned out very great. I will miss Jerker and Sofi as our commanding officers when we take the 8-12 watch in the near future.

Rasmus Djerf, Styrbordsvakten


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se