Öckerö gymnasium

Leaving Palma de Mallorca 

When we are doing homework onboard it is often very quiet but iI always start some trashmetal to cheer everyone up, though it often does not work at all.

Today we are leaving Palma de Mallorca. I have really enjoyed our stay in Palma de Mallorca but I am also looking forward to Gibraltar. Today we got up at eight a clock as normal to eat breakfast, It was very satisfying to get some juicy lemon for breakfast, After that it was time for homework. When we are doing homework onboard it is often very quiet but iI always start some trashmetal to cheer everyone up, though it often does not work at all. Everyone gets angry over the music I am playing so I often wait until everyone sleeps or until everybody is on land, only then I can play some Slipknot and headbang for myself.

However enough with the music, after the homework I wanted to sleep though it was very hard, believe me, when I went to my bed it was destroyed as normal because under my bed there is drinking glas so the chef always lifts up the whole bed to get glas and then they just leave it, though I get very pleased, thanks to that I can fix up my whole bed with a new sheet and blanket. Then also when I sleep someone always screams or just open the door and leave it open. Sounds crazy right? Maybe it is revenge. Soon it is time to work on deck so i hope you enjoyed reading this crazy text about my day on T/S Gunilla.

Lukas Nordgren


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se