Öckerö gymnasium

The Eden Project, 20 of May

Today was an excursion day to Eden Project which is located in Cornwall. About twenty years ago they started this project on an old mining spot to show the world that humans can do so much more than we think and we need nature to live. Today it is the biggest glasshouse in the whole world, and we had our biology class there. How nice it must be to go to this school.

The day started off as usual. The time went seven o’clock and Johannes woke everyone up just in time for breakfast. As usual, it was porridge and sandwiches. It has become a favourite on the boat, porridge, cinnamon, milk and sugar. Everyone started getting ready for the day and today, the whole boat was going to the Eden project. Long story short, it is the biggest glasshouse in Inte whole world. They have one rainforest and one Mediterranean biome with many many plats. It was interesting but a lot of us were expecting animals so, after a short time, the flowers became quite longwinded. The lunch was really good. Homemade pasta salad with chicken. Sundried tomatoes, some kind of onion and other tasty things. They also served pizza, pastries, and ice cream at the place, and everything was delicious. Later that day, at four o’clock, the buss picked us up but unfortunately some accident had happened on the road. So what was supposed to take one hour, took two instead. After the bus ride, it was time for dinner. Midship had duty today so they ate at the boat and it was some kind of wrap. Mostly the rest of us went to the small city to get dinner. I was with four other girls and we ate at The Ship which is located beside the harbour in the old city. I took a burger, and so did Selina. Tilde took some chicken wrapp with greens. Elise and Nora took nachos. We all were very pleased because it tasted wonderful and wasn’t so expensive. They even played live music, some old man with a guitar. When we were sitting there the rest of the people, from the boat, went by and we said hello. They were also looking for something to eat but I don’t know what they got. The time started to get nine o’clock and we started heading back. We sat there a long time just chatting and having a really nice time. On the way home, we met maybe seven teenagers and they started saying “we love climate” but none of us understood why. Short after, we found out that the other group from the boat had asked them about the climate because we have an assignment on that in society. I think they recognise the schoolhoddie. We started talking to them and they had a lot of energy and were great chatting to. Unhappily the time started to get ten o’clock, the time we had to be back at the boat, so we hurried up and went back. Back at the boat, some of the guys baked chocolate cake, really good. Further again we put on Harry Potter and this time it was The half-blood Prince in the big mess hall. Personally, I love Harry Potter. It Is my favourite movie series but I know some people don’t really like it. But as a comfort, I can say that there are not many of them left to see.

//Charlize Nyström Stybord


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se