Öckerö gymnasium

100 to 0 real quick

It was my birthday and Gunilla had an average speed of 9 knots yesterday so I went to bed happy. Woke up today to notice that we had turned around, heading to Miami again… This of course because of our tremendous speed which equals to more time so we don’t have to hurry. Therefore, the 29th of april has been all about chilling. Welcome to my first blog.

This is the first time for me at Gunilla and the best thing so far about all of this is sitting somewhere in the mast or messing with Åke who is our excellent cook.

On my birthday last day I spent four hours with Häggan and Marco trying to fix the broken AC. Our pointless attempt didn’t succeed so we still don’t have an AC. Although, it was still my birthday so at the fika we got kladdkaka, and for dinner; pannbiffar (flat meatballs) and potatoes with Åkes funniest sauce. Obviously brunsås (gravy). Great memory..

Back to today. My brutal sunburn has calmed and I don’t cry about that anymore. Woke up once again at 7:30 to eat Åkes wonderful breakfast. The following watch was normal, good atmosphere and just some likeable four hours. We worked up in the rig and on the deck and our nightshift will begin after some more lessons and we’ll have some climbing training which will be fun. Tomorrow we’ll arrive at Charleston at 9:00 o’clock which I look forward to.

I miss y'all at home and if you read this you’re probably nice.

Best regards

Mark, Starboard


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se