Technically, today started with me and my friends watching hunger games on the floor in cabin 6. But that was at 12 o’clock in the morning, and I don’t start counting today as today until i’ve had my long night’s sleep.
So today started at 11:30 am with lunch and spinach soup was on the menu. It was very good but I’m more of a broccoli soup type of girl. Then all of a sudden it was 4 pm and it was time for our watch. I cleaned the navigation room while the rest of the group got to climb in the rig and furl all the sails. Thankfully, I was done before they were so i got to climb, too. Hanna Hakeröd and I furled the Bram and while we were up there we got to see the most beautiful sunset. The sun was huge and it slowly fell behind the mountains of Madrid and painted the sky bright orange. Everything timed out quite perfectly because as soon as the sun went down it got really cold but it was also time for dinner which was Spagetti Bolognese.
After dinner we, babord watch, only had our daily cleaning left and then we were done for the day. Our goal was to do it as fast as possible so that we would have time to study tonight since everyone is so stressed out about all the schoolwork they have left to do before we leave the boat. At a time of 35 minutes, babord set a new cleaning record for this class! Now I’m going to sit in the big mess and study with a bowl of popcorn.
Anna Alwin
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00