Öckerö gymnasium

31st of December 2020 - last day of the year

This day has been one of my favourites so far on this journey. Actually I think it’s been a day all of us will remember.

Right now were located in the harbour of the beautiful island La Palma and today my guard had our second day off from duty, which means that we were free from work. So, when eating breakfast this morning, me and some friends started to plan what we should do. To be honest we didn’t really come up with something, but we decided to take a bus to the other side of the island and see where the day would lead us. That’s the best kind of days sometimes, when you don’t have a plan. Either way we took the bus and then some of us started to get ill cause of the road, so we stopped in a small community called Los llanos. The sun were shining and we walked around until we finally found the perfect bar with a gorgeous view. We sat there for hours.

Because of new years eve we had to be back at Gunilla at 6 pm for dinner and celebration. So, when we got back our amazing chiefs (with help from students) had fixed a wonderful dinner and dessert. After dinner, the crew asked us to go out and be back at 9.

We went to a beach nearby and swam in the dark and then it started raining. By 9, everyone gathered and when we came back to the boat we really got surprised. Our wonderful teacher Anne-li, with the crew, had fixed a dancefloor on deck, with lightings and music and a hammock. It was super fun and we danced all night long.

Happy new year

Sa2023 Isabella Strand


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se