Everyone is talking about what they are going do when they come home, some people will go to bed and sleep for days and some people will hang out with their families the whole night. I want to come home and eat tacos with my family and then go and take a shower before going to bed for a long nights sleep.
The most common thing to talk about here on the boat is…. What´s the first thing you want to do when you come home? Every answer is different but it feels like we all are missing our families and wants to hug them as soon as we get of the bus.
Now its just 2 days left till we are in our last port and because of a boat show in Miami they had no place for us, so the captain needed to change destination to port Everglades. Port Everglades is around 8 sea miles north of Miami but we will have a shorter way to the airport which is nice. It feels like many of us students got disappointed when the captain told us the news or bad news in many eyes. It really don’t matter for me, cause we don’t have so much free time and if we really want to see Miami can you take a cab and go for a ride in an hour. And its not so weird cause Miami was the port most of us was exited for, cause of the USA and all fast food we can eat after 2 month and 2 weeks at the sea. People are talking about what they going to eat when they come home and in USA. I miss all the Swedish food and candy and on my way home I will stop and go for a shopping tour in ICA MAXI and then come home and just eat till i explode.
It’s a really sick to think that we are home in shorter than a week. I will come home and sleep in my own bed with no roommates witch is boring. I can sleep for days if i want and need. I can do whatever I want but the weirdest thing is that i won’t see my class for a whole week. I have been seeing everyone for almost 74 days and it feels kind of weird and sad to not see or be with all of us in Sa 1821.
Lovis Bergman
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se