Öckerö gymnasium

A beautiful nightwatch with a singing captain

Half an hour before the "nattfika" we sat at half deck and waited for something to happend. That was when Hans, the captain, came out with a guitar and a chair. He sat down at the chair and asked us, "So what do you wan't me to play fore you?".

The beginning of the day was really just boring. We didn't really do anyting so i don't exactly remember what happened. When our first watch ended at 12 pm we ate lunch right after at 12:20. The lunch was really good, fried rice with pork. It tastes delicious if you add the sweet chilli sauce. Even tho the free watch started rgreat with good lunch it was about to get bad. The migrane hit me just a few minutes after i had showered. It was really bad and it felt like my head was going to explode. After that i decided to go and sleep with the thought that the migrane was going to go away. As i woke up in time for the dinner i realised that i was wrong, the sleep hadn't helped at all against the migrane. To my relief the dinner was even better than the lunch. Salmon with boiled potatoes and melted butter. It was one of the best thing that we had been served on the entire trip. As my headache got worse i decided to sleep a few hours before my night watch.

Someone from the stirbord watch woke me around 7:30 pm. I fell back asleep but woke up 15 minutes later and decided to get dressed. Then i wen't up to get in line for the line up that we have 5 minutes before the watch starts and ends. We had the usual procedure during the line up. The watch started with some brasing as usual. You brace the sails if the direction of the wind changes, therfore you almost do it every watch. We had "nattfika" at 10 pm, the goal was to get there. Half an hour before the "nattfika" we sat at half deck and waited for something to happend. That was when Hans, the captain, came out with a guitar and a chair. He sat down at the chair and asked us, "So what do you wan't me to play fore you?". As we knew he had written some songs him self we asked him to play some of his self written songs. He sang one song which was particulary great, it's called "Bus driving lady". That was one of the best moment of this voyage so far.

Then we ate the "nattfika", Pancakes were on the menu that night. It tasted delicious as well. The watch ended soon after that. There wasn't much to do when the watch ended except sleep. So as usual everybody went to sleep and the day was over.

Malte Måhlberg


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se