Öckerö gymnasium

A castle and a fairy tale forest

Today, I visited the famous Pena Palace, located in the hills of Sintra just outside of Lisbon, the capital of Portugal.

After an hour and a half on a train and bus, and another two hours walking through the
charming town of Sintra and climbing up a steep mountain, I finally caught a glimpse of the vibrant yellow, red, and purple towers rising from the top of the hill before me.

As we made our way up the mountain, we walked through a magical forest, where sunlight glimpsed through the green leaves, creating a beautiful enchanting effect. Along the path, we passed a cute little cottage that looked like something straight out of a fairy tale.

When we finally reached the top of the hill, the enormous castle stood before us, with its bright colours. Although we didn’t have the special tickets required to enter the inside of the palace, we were able to explore the outside. We also entered the castle's courtyard, where tourists with cameras were snapping pictures left and right, and we blended right in.

After seeing the castle, we continued our walk through the peaceful park that surrounds it, wandering through the quiet forest on the mountain. Later, we took a 45-minute walk down the serpentine trail back to the train station. After our exhausting but incredible day, we decided to buy our selfs some donuts before going back to the boat.



Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se