Öckerö gymnasium

A chill day

A day in the country of “no stress”, “no problem” and reggae.

Dressed in our navy blue Gunilla Pikés we had our morning ceremony and heard the holy eight beats of the ship’s bell, saw the Swedish flag being raised and after that, the Jamaican flag. Straight after the ceremony, all 44 students walked together with Anne-Li towards a visit at Mount Alvernia High School.

Since this is the first time that Gunilla is in Jamaica, it was also the first time we were visiting this school. And luckily, it come to be very successful. The students were polite, interested in us, our assignments and Sweden as a country. When I started to describe Sweden I said it is very cold and especially in the winters. Then one girl said: “You mean like this cold?” as she sighed and glanced out over the school yard that was bathing in the sunlight and surrounded by a striking temperature of 30 degrees. She was very surprised of the fact that it’s snowing in Sweden right now and was choked when I told her about the darkness. They told us about their life in Jamaica, about traditions, culture, what they like to do in their free time and gave us great advices of what we could do during our stay in the country of water and greens.

While some took off to the beach or went to explore the city after the visit at the school, me and the others in the Amidships watch walked in all different types of tropical rain back to Gunilla since it was our day to have watch and take care of our favorite ship.

The watch began after lunch. The focus of the maintenance work has been taring, taring and taring but since it was wet and still rained a bit, we couldn’t continue with that. Instead, our task come to be work under deck. We cleaned the quarters carefully and we also got time to clean our cabins, which is a luxury to get here. After the cleaning was finished, we made some smaller tasks on deck and then the day watch for today was over.

So we all had kind of a chill day and after a few hours of free time for us on the boat the ones who had free watch started dropping in. They all came with a smile on their lips after a day in the country of “no stress”, “no problem” and reggae.

Amanda Granfeldt
Amidships watch


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se