In Gibraltar we had no plan other than to drink fancy coffee and eat yummy cakes. Thanks to the fact that the air was a bit chilly and the tasty hot chocolate I felt like christmas was coming closer. The only thing missing was the snow.
After a windy and rather cold night-watch, breakfast and the regular morning meeting I and five others went over to Gibraltar. We had no plan other than to drink fancy coffee and eat yummy cakes. Thanks to the fact that the air was a bit chilly and the tasty hot chocolate I finally felt like christmas was coming closer. The only thing missing was the snow.
When all of us hade finished we continued our quest to find people willing to answer our socialstudies formulas. It was not very difficult and everyone we interviewed was extremely polite. That is one of my observations here; absolutely everyone is friendly and good behaved.
The formulas were soon done and we allowed our selfs a little shopping spree. While some of the others went wild I only bought two books and some christmas presents to my parents.
On this very day it only remains two weeks of our journey. It is both a relief and kinda sad that the next sea leg is our last. There are so many small thing I will miss, like how the boat always is moving backwards and forwards or to be near my friends all the hours of the day. But at the same time I will not miss waking up at 4am or sharing such a small room whit two other girls. Having my own bed and the liberty to do what ever I want is just somethings I will welcome back with open arms.
Lots of hugs and kisses!
Alva Knutsen Rohman, Portside
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00