Öckerö gymnasium

A day at sea

The day started by being awoken at 03.29. I don’t know how I managed to stand on deck at 03.55 all dressed, because all I wanted was to sleep and never wake up. I was so tired. Maybe the knowledge of those warm-and newly baked scones that would be served at 5 o’clock for night-fika. So there I stood in the darkness waiting for us to take over the watch.

After we had eaten the delicious scones we did a music quiz. Unfortunately, my team didn’t win, but it was fun anyway. When the sky had lightened up we needed to scrub the deck. It is not my favorite thing to do, but it’s got to be done. Finally, our four hours of watch were over when the clock was 8. Before we were dismissed they prepared us for maybe having to wake up in about two hours to help veering the ship. Then we went to sleep, but we didn’t have to wake up. Instead the other watch, Midship, had to wake two hours earlier to help Starboard. It was a relief for us, but Midship weren’t happy about it. As the day continued I studied. At 3 pm they were asking for volunteers to help taking down the sails. Apparently a small sailboat had problems and needed help. We changed course to get closer to them. The sailboat couldn’t contact the coastguard for help by themself because their communication system was too short-range. That became our task. We stayed near the boat until the coastguard arrived. After that adventure we continued our journey to Jersey. The day ended with movie night and popcorn.

Ida Grönlund, Port.


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se