Since we were all going on an excursion today, the fact I had watch after it didnt matter, that’s what I thought as I got out of bed after being purred 10 minutes late.
After the lineup at 8 am, we all went in groups of 12 to shore by riding on a taxiboat taking us from the floating dock to mainland. We then took a bus to the Eden project.
The mediterrianian dome, was just like a mexican garden, there werent that many plants, not as many as expected, and the majority of the area was just walkways. We spent a bit too much time in there, I just tried to rush through it because I wanted to get to the rainforest Biome, but i had to wait for the others.
After 30 minutes we got out of there and finally entered the rainforest, which was way more thrilling. But before that we went into a souvenir boutique where I bought expensive orange chocolate and some green tea.
In the rainforest biome there were walkways with vines and trees hanging over. The second we entered there were two little birds with bright colors walking around. We didnt see many animals in there, but there were a few geckos and different kinds of birds, as well as, well, ants. It was very humid and hot in there. Well it wasn’t actually hot it was just the fact that everyone was wearing jeans and hoodies cause it was like 16 degrees outside. The rainforest as well as the other biome, just had a main path that you were supposed to follow. In the rainforest the path was like a serpentine path, slowly going up until it lead to the top of the dome. Well it wasn’t the top, you could go to a platform at the absolute top of the dome if you wanted to stand in line for half an hour. But it was 12:40 and we hadn’t eaten lunch, so we followed the rest of the path, which went back down. We found an area with sensitive plants, their leafs pull themselves together when you touch them, which was sort of interesting.
We also found bananas growing on some trees as well as dragon fruits. That was about it. We then ate the food we’d brought with us, cold pie. When going outside again, there were a bunch of drums playing in this big white tent thing, so we went inside and there was a ton of people standing gathered around three dudes playing drums, like not drumset drums, but rather drums they play with in tribes and stuff. Everyone was clapping and every child standing around the men in a circle had their own drum. It was pretty funny. After having stood there for like 15 minutes, we went back out, and into this big building which had a big giant deformed pole inside. It looked like a barbapapa. It had holes that shot out smoke that turned into smoke rings, it was very cool and the smoke rings didnt disappear until like one or two minutes after it’d been formed.
By the time we exited that building it was almost three pm and time to go back to the bus. The way home was around 1.5 hours. Being extremely tired, I slept the whole way on the bus. When babord got back on the boat, we almost immediately cleaned the toilets and everything and then ate leftovers because the cook had left the kitchen with no orders, so the Backisar just took whatever they found in the studentfridge and served it.
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475 31 Öckerö
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