Öckerö gymnasium

A day full of impressions

It was a long day full of impressions; we met some friendly students at a Moroccan school to learn about their worldview. I’m starting to feel at home on the boat and in Agadir, this inspiring mess of a city.

After our regular meeting on deck, we took the bus to the EMAA Private School. Since it’s a private school, the students there are very privileged. Here, private schools, that cost lots of money, provide way better education than public schools. First, we had a seminar about some of the cultural differences between Sweden and Morocco. We told them that Swedes try to avoid conflict and unnecessary interaction, and that most of our modern food culture, like tacos, come from other countries. They told us that they eat couscous and read the Quran on Fridays, and that Moroccans tend to come late to practically everything.

Then, we all did the mannequin challenge around the school together. It was a fun and easy way to connect with each other. We also, since it was a Friday, got to try some traditional couscous. It was delicious. Many of us talked to the Moroccan students, and sang some Swedish songs (Håkan Hellström) to them. They, in return, sang Moroccan songs and clapped their hands. It was great fun, and talking to them, I got a picture of what real life in morocco actually looks like.

Back at the boat, they came onboard to eat chocolate cake and learn about our school. I showed them around the boat as if I knew every inch of it and had lived here for months, even though I only have been here for a couple of days. I really feel at home here, with my cozy classmates and all of the routines that I’m learning. It doesn’t take long until you’re used to waking up early in the morning, having strict mealtimes and the waves hitting the hull of the boat.

Oh, and Agadir is a lovely city, even though I don’t feel safe here as a woman; we get street harassed and therefore have to walk in groups with at least two boys. The city was built up again after an earthquake in the sixties, and is therefore full of tall buildings that are falling apart. There are a lot of neon signs and palms, along a beach with slow waves and calming sunsets. Plenty of seagulls keep on flying over the harbour, and even though I hate the smell of caught fish, everything feels just right.

Tomorrow, we’ll go to a school disco with these friendly students. Stay tuned!



Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se