Today started of like every other day at sea with Gunilla, with ringing the bell eight times and lining up for the changing of the guards. What we didn’t know at the time though, was that the regularity of the day was about to change drastically, involving another type of bell ringing and a very large fish…
We’ve had quite bad weather for sailing the last couple of days, but this day like I said before, is not a day of the usual. We finally had enough wind to able to set all of the ships sails (excluding the three we forgot at home of course…). The ability to turn off the engine and quietly glide along the sea made everyone onboard just a little bit happier, especially those who sleeps right next to it. After six long days onboard with rocky weather, I think we all are pretty relieved to soon arrive at Lisbon and be able to step our feet on solid ground again. Even though we all enjoy working and spending time on the ship, there’s always a time when all good things must come to an end for new good things to come.
At lunch time, the captain came into the dining area looking a bit more excited than he usually does, and it only took three words from him before everyone else in the room looked the same; “Whale starboard side!”. Everyone rushed out to get a glimpse of the whale before it disappears in the deep again. I luckily got to see it “blow its nose” a couple of times and circle the ship, before it tipped down its head and waved goodbye with its tailfin. Truly a remarkable and unforgettable sight!
We just about had time to calm ourselves down though, before the next surprise of the day. The fire alarm went off! Surprisingly, everyone handled it with more calm and caution, than when the captain just an hour before had come down to tell us about the whale. I guess our safety drills that we do every Sunday finally proved their importance. Luckily, it was a false alarm. The cause of it couldn’t be determined, but the most likely explanation would be that someone used a hairspray or something similar in one of the cabins. Either way, everything went successfully and the crew member were happy to see everyone knowing what to do in case of a real emergency ever were to break out.
Right now, I’m looking forward to a good night sleep and a new day onboard Gunilla tomorrow. Hopefully you enjoyed reading about one of the more unusual days onboard, that got us to all to apply for this school in the first place.
Gabriel Forsberg, Starboard
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00