Öckerö gymnasium

A dream morning in sunrise

At 03.30 in the morning, I woke up and like every morning for about a week all the members are very tired and don´t want to get up, but an order is an order. Everyone takes their sailing clothes on and all the other things that we need to have on the night, like lifejacket and harness. At 04.00 in the morning, we are changing the guard. In the dark night we stand under the lee and the other watch that go off stand on the weather beam of the afterdeck. They say, “good watch” to us, and we say “good watch it will be”.

After an hour at 05.00 am we eat oatmeal with sugar or strawberry jam for fika and then we go out again, often when we go out again the sun is rising . It´s so beautiful and amazing, sometimes we also see dolphins in the orange and yellow sunrise. That is a crazy view that I had never seen before.

Well, on our watches we are setting sails if we need to do it or something else that our watch-crew says, but sometimes we do music quiz or play a game, it’s called mafia.

At 07.00 am we are going to scrub the deck with water and soap but if it has rained or washed water over the deck, we don´t need to do it.

Yesterday we saw a whale that swam beside the boat about 6 or 7 meters from us. That was incredible and so cool to see. Maybe our education leader Kiki had the whale on a video, so she can post it on the Instagram, we will hope for it. We thought that it was a blue whale, which is an uncommon whale to see. But it was a fin whale.

We also had an angry moment on this boat yesterday because, many persons had taken apples and chocolate balls from the cook which was not a good idea.

Alexandra Boström


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se