Stepping out of the airplane was like suddenly being introduced to perfect Swedish summer warmth, and I couldn’t help myself random thinking “so this is Africa”.
After an emotional goodbye in Gothenburg in the middle of the night by our loved ones, and a flight to Morocco, we landed in Agadir.
While walking the about hundred meters in the sun we saw the other classes that we switched with peeking through the window and waving, but sadly we were heading to another part of the airport.
Going inside the small airport we had to stand in a long line for a while, because they wanted to check our passports. After getting though the control we picked up our bags and as we were standing in our group, suddenly a man that worked on the airport came up to us and asked questions about the ship and why we were two groups from the same place, he seemed to be very angry but we were told that he wasn’t so we went on and got out of there.
Stepping out from the airport we felt a sent like the botanical garden of Gothenburg, you know like the ones in those greenhouses, simply like a touch of mud and tropical. Looking around ourselves in the landscape of desert and many hills.
Sitting on the bus that took us to the port, looking out and too see all this people living like in a sandbox, many cars, stone houses, and small trees everywhere you look was kind of breathtaking. On the sides of the roads we saw families with their children begging for money.
But even more breathtaking is that they don’t seem to have any thought of nature care, in the air it is this strong smell of burned fuels, you can find plastic dispose every meter you look! And all of this makes me scared, where are we heading... (! &?) In the fishing port Gunilla stays in, the same thing, in the water along with much more.
The rest of the day I don’t remember much of, because I felt sick and was extremely tired. :- (
/ Kyra Jonsson, starboard
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475 31 Öckerö
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