Öckerö gymnasium

A greasy burger

We went to a place called John King where the owner gave us free drinks only because we were travelling. We all ordered the burger that he recommended and it was great.

Hello there,

Today we woke up to a good weather and sailed in to the Charleston harbour. It was a great feeling to finally arrive. Even though Gunilla had stopped rocking we felt dizzy both on the boat and on land. Even though it had been a rough trip there was no time to rest, Kiki had planned a visit to an aquarium nearby. After that we explored the streets in Charleston. This was an amazing city and after searching for a restaurant for a long time we went to a place called John King where the owner gave us free drinks only because we were travelling. We all ordered the burger that he recommended and it was great. After the meal we offered him some Swedish snus but he told us he preferred smoking. We went to a couple of shops where we tried on some hats and bought local treats. When we got back to Gunilla we had a refreshing workout consisting of some pushups and situps and afterwards it was time for a shower.

David Strandberg


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se