The day started out a little unusual since we had to have the morning assembly a bit earlier because of the school visit. After about a 40 minute stroll to the school in Sevilla we got seated in a library for some information about the school.
They talkred to us about what was special about their school and showed some of the exchange students arrangement that they do every year. After the quick presentation they gave us some churros with chocolate since that apparently is a normal breakfast in Sevilla.
When we were all full from the churros we got the chance to sit and watch different classes. I myself alongside with some of my classmates joined a history class where they talked about the industrial revolution and we also interviewed the teacher about the difficulties in teaching about the Spanish civil war.
Around noon the school trip had ended and me and a couple of friends headed out to eat before visiting ”real alcazar”. Alcazar was very beautiful and had a lot of interesting history that you could read. Most fascinating were the incredible detail of the woodwork on the ceiling and the complexity of the muslim tiles. Unfortunatelythe famous gardens were closed due to bad whether so we did not get a chance to see it.
When we were all done with Alcazar I regrouped with my friends and went to the cathedral located right next to Alcazar. It was a breathtaking experience seeing how big it was from the inside and when you walked up the giralda (the clocktower) you got a great view of the entire city.
-Hannes Höjesjö
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00