Öckerö gymnasium

A long but interesting day

Once again, this was a day full of activities and information. Soon enough our brains will be full of information about Cuba. The two guides we have here in Cuba during this week have been very helpful and answer all our questions, which are a lot, with patients.
It for sure is very interesting to be here.

The day started as usual with morning assembly at 8 am. Then it was time for another educational day in Cuba. Firstly, we visited the Center for A+ teenagers. It is a center where teenagers between 12 and 18 years old can come and join different workshops. A place where they can use their creativity and develop their interests with help from volunteer teachers

After the visit at the center we visited a project named Quisicuaba. Their focus is to help the people who need it the most. They give people clothes, medicine and food. For older people they act like a home service. They send food home to old people with bicycle taxis, which is a common thing here in Cuba. Personally it doesn't make sense how they are able to bike in the heat, because I´m sweating my but of just by walking for five minutes :) But I'm not in the position to complain about the weather knowing the winter has returned back home in
Sweden. I love the sun and the heat outside. Covid had a big impact on the Cuban population and they suffered severely, especially since there were no tourists. Therefore the project Quisicuaba has to help a lot more people today than they had to before the pandemic. A woman who worked with the project told us that
they were cooking food for up to 4000 people everyday. The project also had a museum where they preserved old Cuban furniture and paintings. For the first time on this trip no one ate lunch onboard Gunilla.

When lunchtime came our Guides took us to a restaurant where we got to taste Cuban food. All I can say is that the food for sure was interesting. After lunch we went to the Fidel Castro Center. Fidel Castro didn’t want a museum or statue named after him, but after his death they opened this center anyway to honor him. The day ended with dinner at the House of Friendship. We started the dinner with an alcohol free Rum and Cola, so basically just Coca Cola. Then we got to enjoy a delicious dinner. Everyone was dressed up and looked real fancy.
I'm very thankful that it was possible for us to visit Cuba. We get the opportunity to learn things about this country that never would have been possible to learn as a normal tourist or by reading on the internet. I hope you´re all doing well back home!
Emmelie, Starboard


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se