Öckerö gymnasium

Amazing speeds

I woke up and felt so tired, I was so close to being at home yet so far away at the same time. We were somewhere between Rotterdam and Skagen and sailing in Amazing speeds with up to 40 knots of wind and 11 knots of speed. Which to simplify is 20 m/s and around 20 km/h in speed, that is some very good speeds for sailing.

Anyways I climbed out of my bed and took on some clothes to go up and eat breakfast. There were barely any things left for breakfast, no ham, no normal Butter, no Cheese. Just having normal butter is such a luxury that i didn’t know of until now.

We had the morning watch after breakfast but i was lucky, instead of
being forced out in the cold with five layers of clothes on and still
freezing i was “backis” That means I was in Kitchen helping the chefs
the entire watch. Being “backis” Is my favorite thing to be, I love
being in the kitchen. We started with breakfast for the people who had
just finished their watch. After that it was picking meat up from the
freezer and then helping the chefs with cooking the food for lunch and
dinner. That's how I spent the next 3 hours with my “backis” friend
taking care of the “fika” brakes. After the 3 hours of cooking it was
time to serve the first watch for their lunch and after that the second
watch. That was everything I had to do on my morning watch. My night
watch as “backis” was even more nice. We had to do a little cleaning for
around 30 minutes and then fix the scones for our watch as their “fika”.
That was my last night watch on this trip

Arvid, Midskepps.


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se