The water was turquoise, the sun was shining and everyone had a big smile on their face.
Seeing all of the colourful fishes, feel the clear water through my hands and letting my salty hair sundry really made my day. It was easy to swim with the fins, and not only the big black goggles made funny red marks all over my face afterwards. The sun is strong, and I learned the hard way today that sunscreen definitely is a must here in Grenada.
It is the guided snorkelling tour me and my friends went on earlier today that I am talking about. After a tasty lunch on Gunilla and some running through St George to get on time to the tour, we jumped on a boat to get out on the sea to spend a couple of hours in the nice water. The boat ride was super fun (we went really fast!), but of course the best part was when we got into the water. First, we went to the sculpture park and saw all of the cool statues made of iron on the bottom of the sea. My personal favourite was a statue that is called “The nutmeg princess” and it was simply a girl holding a nutmeg in her hand. After some time in the water, we went up on the boat again to head further away. A couple of minutes later we all were in the water again and were ready to explore more. I saw some really cool fishes and the reef there was super fascinating. I love the ocean in Sweden, but the dark coloured water back at home is nothing compared to this here in Grenada!
After a couple of hours of snorkelling everyone was really exhausted and the guide dropped us off in the port. The tour was definitely the highlight of my day, but me and my friends also got time to relax on the beach, walk around in the city and enjoy a good dinner at a restaurant. The best part with the snorkelling was to see the reef, and I could not complain about the water temperature either! But the sun was really strong and unfortunately, I have a huge sunburn right now. Because of that, I promise you I will not regret this snorkelling adventure in the near future. At least not when I will try to sleep on my red skin tonight, I can assure you. So to you guys out there who want to snorkel, I really recommend it, but do not forget sunscreen!
My Magnusson
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00