Öckerö gymnasium

Andreas Norman blogg


First Watch in 3 week´s.

Finally after 3 week´s of lying in my bed sleeping, watching movies and reading im back in the watch. It feels really good to be back and work again, after so long time of doing nothing, its really nice to come back and start moving again. It was so boring just lying there doing absolutely nothing alone in my cabin, But now Im back. The first 6 days I worked in the kitchen, it was actually really nice to help in the kitchen and to be able to learn more and more how the kitchen works and where all the things are and how you make the best pancakes, juice, and how to cut the perfect bread and fruit. But after 6 days of work in the kitchen Im back in the work watch witch fells amazing. To be back and climbing in the rig again after 3 week´s was an amazing felling, to fell the wind and the swing in the rig was really nice. In the first watch I painted the boarding ladder and furled the big sail, witch is the biggest sail in the middle of the three

mast´s. I didn't really remembered how to do this but my kind friend helped me out so we made it quite easily with each others help, team work makes the dream work!

We are now quite 700 sea miles from Grenada. I actually enjoy it really much to be sailing for so long, seeing no land in days. But It will be very nice to put my feet in steady ground that is not moving under my feet. To be able to order an ice cream or a coca cola and sit down on a beach chilling in the sun.

The thing I look forward to most is to swim in the waterfalls and explore the jungles. But to sail over the Atlantic ocean is really amazing, the stars in the heaven and the sun rises are absolutely marvelous.



Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se