At 7:00 am the ship guard woke me up but I fell asleep again until 7:45 because I was very tired. I cleaned my room and walked up to the line up where we got the information for the day.
Today we would go on another sailing ship from Norway, Christian Radich. The day before we had met students from the ship so we were very excited for today’s visit. The Norwegian ship was bigger and had a better maintained work than ours. But I think ours ship is more charming.
After the visit on the ship we went to a café to eat breakfast, because we had prioritized the sleep in the morning. We sat there for a very long time almost 2 hours because we had no plans. But finally, we decided to go to a warm water spring. We took a taxi for 45 minutes to another city. The springs were really nice except 3 things. All iron in the water made my hair strange and all of us got a yellow undertone on the skin, and the swimwear discolored. But last but not least we were close to being ejected because we didn’t follow the rules.
After the bath we bought an ice cream and went to the playground to swing and chill. And we sat there for so long because the taxi was very late. When we came back to Ponta Delgada we went past a grocery store to buy snacks to the movie night we would have. Back on the boat we sat in the big mess to watch a movie that everyone fell asleep to.
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