The play pretend game of the Atlantic murders has begun and people are dropping like flies. Other than that, this day has moved on as any other. During day hours the different watches have been held busy with maintenance work.
Everything from painting on deck to switching out and renewing important parts of our foremast but mostly, our time has been consumed by braiding baggywrikles. At night we got to enjoy the tastiest banana-scones.
The game of the Atlantic murders is in full act. It is kinda similar to a murder mystery act but where every single one on board gets assigned a specific person to assassinate. You commit your crime by handing your designated person the random object said on the note you were given. Because of that, those who are still alive stand walking on eggshells managing to only pick up things that have been put down before them.
Some of the killings are done super smooth while some are just blatantly stupid. I for example died by receiving my own nail-file, I do have to give credits to my offender though for they tricked me completely.
Others have died getting handed magnets by the washing machines or receiving salt by the navigation panels. Rumor has it that the winner of all will receive a grand prize, but it is still unknown what.
Baggywrinkles are handmade to protect the sails from wear and tear caused by the stays. When I call them handmade I mean it literally, every single strand of the furry ropes has been tied in place piece by piece. This never ending crafts work consumed all of our watch hours but I think barely anyone has complaints. Listening to music and chatting while tying the strands made the hours pass by quickly. I’d call it quite cozy.
Torn, tired and hungry from the nights watches work the guards entered the small messroom to the amazing smell of sweet and tasty scones baked with banana. The delicious modified banana-scones recipe really boosted everyone’s energy.
-Irma Borkmann
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00