Today was a nice and calm day that turned tough and hot for me who got to be a bit of an engineer when the toilets broke, but the sailing continues and it’s going great!
Good day!
The sun is shining and Gunilla sails on with its three tack changes this day alone. The weather has given us a lot of sailing, sea sickness and blisters.
The day started with shift shift and this shift I was part of the work force. There wasn’t a lot to do on deck today because almost all sails were set and we were going in the right direction towards Charleston. We set the Mesan sail and the royal and then the boat was complete. When the sails were done there wasn’t a lot to do so I took on the job to help Marco down in the machine room.
I didn’t really know what I was signing up for when I started in the machine room, it was hot and I didn’t really understand what I was doing. I’ve probably never been so sweaty either. But I did what Marco said (I didn’t really hear what he said so I mostly guessed) and it turned out alright. In hindsight I don’t know what I did but there was a lot of oil and we took something apart, exchanged a filter and then we put it back together. It took about two hours and after that there was a blockage in the toilets.
The toilets are also Marco’s responsibility so I also had to help with that. We had to take down the pipes and clean them, and that might have been one of the most disgusting things you could do on this boat I think, but it went fine, no problems. We put the pipes back up and then the toilets worked again. I’m basically a pro regarding the toilets now. I think I’m going to be an engineer ;)
After my time as an engineer I got to come back up on deck and there, almost all of my group was knocked out by seasickness. One toilet has even been marked a “sick toilet” because everyone is throwing up.
After my shift, the 12-4 shift took over and then there was a practice on the agenda. A lettuce head was thrown over board and the “man over board” alarm went off. Everyone ran up on deck and took down the sails, although in vain. The lettuce head was gone. But the practice was fun and everyone helped. After that we had “stormöte”, so you can tell what an easy shift 12-4 had today who got to have the whole crew on deck helping.
Now we are sailing on towards Charleston,
Andréa Olausson
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00