A great day with harbour watch, we in “babord” last watch in harbour together. But a bit more than two months at sea has carried out its rights. It’s not always so easy to work together and get everything to work. Especially when all start to long for home.
The day started like the other days in harbour. With breakfast at 07am, today our chef had made an excellent porridge, and always freshly baked bread. After the breakfast we start work on deck, it’s just 10 days left so we have start with what we call “slutstäda” to clean the boat. Today it was ours riggföråd which was to get cleaned. All stuff how have with the rig its down there an it a lot of things. All was taken out on deck to clean and the riggföråd was also cleaned. It was a hard work but funny to do something special. Often when we are in port we are fixing all the rust so it nice with variation.
It shows that all the crew have get a bit homesick, including myself. And when all people live on a small area it’s not so easy to agree. But you need to bite together and just do the best thing of the situation.
It’s a special feeling that this is our last trip with Gunilla. (Anyway, like students) it’s just 10 days left of our two and half month trip. We have done two trips with Gunilla and a chapter of our life will soon be past. All good memories will bring my life further and I can always dream me back when I was sailing over the Atlantic. Also, all good friends and the nice countries that we have been in.
Hope we see you all on Öckerö 23/6-18 when we are coming home with Gunilla.
Over and out!
Emil Andersen
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se