Öckerö gymnasium

A Pretty Chill Day

Hi everybody!

Today we were at anchor outside the port of Grenada just as the day before, and it was starboards turn to keep watch over Gunnis.

The most of us woke up at seven for the breakfast as usual, like if we were laying in port. Best breakfast right now is that yoghurt we got from Barbados together with muesli and strawberry marmalade, worst is the “äckelpäckelgulorangamagarinet” we also got in Barbados which apparently, you can eat without dying…

Anyway, walking up on deck that morning, gave us all the hope to swim from Gunilla. But we had to do our work before, knocking rust, and so on. So, there I sat on “undermärs” the “whole day” renovating a “brassblock”, it was a nice job that day, pretty chill.

An old boat named Adriana, where also at anchor a few hundred meters away from Gunilla, the crew on that old cruise ship had to lift down one of the lifeboats, so they drived back and forth land and the ship in there little orange boat all day long, they admired Gunnis every time they came back.

But in the end of that day we finally got to swim, in the Caribic oceans salty, warm and blue water. What a great end of a Pretty Chill Day.

Kyra Jonsson, Starboard


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se