The day started with a night watch from four to six in the morning, it`s one of the worst watchtimes you can get if you ask me. The one hour after the shift ends I fell asleep and got to sleep in about 30 minutes before you get waken up again to eat breakfast.
But at least I got to sleep much before my watch so i got some rest. For breakfast I ate porridge with milk and cinnamon, while I ate the porridge I thought of the activities we were going to do today. The first one was meeting up with some students from a school here in Seville. The only thing we got to know about the meeting was that we were going treasure hunting, but in what way or where, we had no clue about.
When it was time to go from the boat the rain started to pour even more than before. Almost every one of us had prepared well for the rain, Blundstones and rain jacket, so of course we were expecting the same from the Spanish students. But when they came walking towards us, all I saw was wet shoes and hoodies, only a few of them had umbrellas. It was almost like they were not aware that it rained.
We walked in groups around the city trying to find historical and tourist monuments, this was a perfect time to look around the city, the students were like our private and free tour guides.
After the treasure hunt we walked with them to the boat, served them lunch and gave them a tour of Gunilla. It is funny to show people the boat, so many of them got shocked about us living and sharing everything on Gunilla for so long. But the thing they got most shocked over was that we climbed in the mast, they seemed to think we did not set sails or had those automatic ones. When they had eaten and seen the boat it was time for them to go, but tomorrow we are going to their school and will be served churros.
My hope was that the rain would stop later in the day when we had our spare time, but that never happened. Instead I wore rubber boots, sailing jacket and brought an umbrella. We went to a second hand called Humana that my sister had recommended. Because of that I was very excited, I found very much fast and went to the changing room. But I went in with ten things and came out with one pair of pants that I was going to buy. The other things were either to expensive or didn’t fit. As a person
loves to buy second hand and does it very often I think everything that costs over 100 kr is expensive, even jeans. But I was very content with my new pants and I walked home happy to the boat, hoping to get a little less wet from the rain tomorrow.
Ninni Nysten
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00