Today I woke up at seven. My assignment for the day was to be in the kitchen to assist the chef. I usually enjoy being in the kitchen, but today it was extra appriciated since it was pouring outside. As usual we
made the tables in the "lilla mässen" for the ten o'clock fika. When our whole watch came in soaked from the rain, I felt a bit extra lucky.
Later me and the chef went down in the freezer room to get some bacon,
sausage and fish, but instead we found some icecream and decided to make
some room for other grocories. With full bellies we went up to kitchen
only to find a big mess of the sauce we made earlier in a pile on the
floor. On top of the whole thing was an accumulation of cockroaches
feasting on the food. As if it were not enough of a mess, a monster wave
as we call it hit the boat and made it roll violently from side to side,
resulting in the sauce to spread over the whole floor and sipper into
every corner and creek of the kitchen. As we stood there and watched,
unable to stop it, we simply laughed at the whole thing and proceeded to
get a bucket and a mop. I can tell you right now that it took some time
took clean it all up but in the end we had a good time and will have
lots of laughs looking back at this in the future.
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00