Today was a great day. The watch, Portside, didn’t have much to do today and the rest of us who were of duty went to the beach or the park to enjoy the sun and the hot temperature.
Because midship’s had the nightwatch today I was awake between 00:30 to 02:30 to watch the ship. From the ship I could see the big bridge, that looks like the Uddevallabron, lighting up the dark. When I woke up four and a half hours later I was really tired. At the morning-gathering most of us had to stay at the ship because we didn’t clean our cabinets. Our command is very picky when it comes to cleaning which is good because it’s always clean but it’s not so nice when you can’t leave the ship until all the cabinets are totally cleaned. At 09:30 me and four friend from my team went to the grocery store and bought a huge watermelon (about 4 kg) for 4 dollars. We walked to the famous Waterfront Park. Apparently there was an event there so we got lemonade and pastries for free. In the Waterfront Park we found a nice spot next to the Pineapple fountain. The fountain actually looks like a pineapple and it’s a big tourist attraction in Charleston. We ate food, relaxed in the grass and watch tourist taking pictures, bathing och proposing to each other. In Charleston the sun is shining, the wind chills perfectly and it’s around 27 degrees celsius. After a couple of hours we found a nice lokal restaurant near the Slave Mart Museum we were at two days ago. It was typical American junk food that was delicious. Afterwards my group split up because some of us were going to meet up with some of the American student we met yesterday. The rest of my group went back to the ship and we ate pasta with vegetables for dinner. Afterwards me and four other friends went to Starbucks to study because we have a very limited amount of internet on the ship. I was craving a good cup of coffee because the coffee on the ship isn’t that good. I ordered a Café macchiato but the cup was just filled with milk foam and in the bottom it was a thin layer of super hot espresso, so I was pretty disappointed.
The rest of us that were of duty took some Uber’s to Folly beach. Folly beach is about 30 minutes from downtown Charleston and is the nearest of all the popular beaches. The ones who were there said it looks almost like a Swedish beach but I guess they hade a nice day in our amazing weather.
The group Portside stayed at the ship to watch it and work on it. Four of our 18 sail got ripped at the sea. Two of them are very ripped so I’m afraid we have to stay longer in Charleston to wait for them to be fixed. It’s a beautiful city but I don’t want to arrive late to Bermuda. Anyway, portside got a delivery on one of the four ripped sail that was fixed and they were working all day to attach the sail. They also got visited by a group of student. They had a nice time and we introduced them to a Swedish cultural event, fika with brew coffee and cinnamon buns. Our second chef who is a baker made the cinnamon buns very tasty. On our first trip around the Mediterranean the cinnamon buns were never as good as these.
Right now some of us are drinking tea in Lilla mässen while others are working out or watching a movie in Stora mässen. Portside who are going to watch the ship tonight are making themselves ready to go to sleep.
Let’s hope the sails are going to be repaired before Thursday so we can leave beautiful Charleston for some more beautiful places.
Good night from Sara Wallin and the rest of the crew
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