The journey from cold icy Sweden was long. The goodbye to my family was sad but I knew what an adventure was ahead of me.
Today was the day we all have been waiting for. Our day started with saying goodbye to our families as we got on the bus headed to Oslo, Norway. We got on the bus at midnight. When we arrived in Oslo it was four a.m. We checked out the tax free shops but everything was expensive so we didn’t buy anything. Then, we jumped on the plane but before we got on I gave the plane a pat so that we wouldn't crash. After takeoff, an old guy had a blood pressure drop! It was kind of scary because the flight attendants freaked out and ran to fetch an defibrillator because they thought he was going to die. There were also so much turbulence and the plane had to drop its altitude. When we arrived in Las Palmas, we had to wait for our luggage a very long time which was so painful because we were very tired and warm. The bus driver Pedro picked us up at the airport and drove us straight our ship, T/S Gunilla. The boat was way bigger than I thought. We met the crew and they showed us around the boat. We also had time to pack up our things in our tiny closets. It felt so surreal that we were finally here. I had been waitng for this for so long. For dinner we had pasta bolognese and it was fantastic. It was well needed because I was very hungry and tired after the long day with lack of sleep. Therefore, we went to bed early to get ready for the next day.
Breakfeast was served at quarter past seven after that we had familiarisation all day and I climbed in the boat mast and that was very scary because it was very high. In the evening we played card games and had fun while the sun went down between the buildings then we went to bed.
Leo Janarp midships
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00