Today we arrived in Shetland after a few hard days at sea, luckily we have very good weather except a little rain which resulted in the most beautiful rainbow over the long hills.
This journey have been hard for me and for many others because the North Sea offered rough seas but now it can only get better when we have accustomed us to the sea. This is our first stop for this trip which was in need for recovery and Shetland seems awesome. Unfortunately I’m not allowed to discover the city Lerwick yet since I’m on duty tonight. What I can see from the ship it’s looks nice and picturesque so tomorrow I will be excited to see what this city has to offer. I also look forward a bus trip around the island this Saturday to see the amazing nature. I hope to see Shetland ponies which I’ve heard can be seen on the beaches or on the heathery hills.
However, this evening I’ve been up to safe ropes to prevent damages from the quayside and cleaned some toilets. For dinner our amazing chef Vågis made salmon and potatoes which ended this day with happy and full students. Now we are making us ready for night watch and a super great day in front of us.
Lisa Wendt
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00