The past two days haven´t been very eventfull for me. On the 8th of Septemper I was on watch duty, which i find makes the time pass slowly since you´re not allowed to do any actual work. After the morning watch I was so tired that I skipped lunch and went straight to bed. After five hours of sleep, I got up to have dinner, then i finished a Swedish assignment before it was time for another watch.
The evening watch was significantly more adventurous. We sailed along the cost of Northern Ireland and there wher plenty of boats for me to report. The wind had picked up to 24 knots with several gusts, so the watch had a lot to do. They adjusted the sails alot of times and cleaned the student quarters. Meanwhile, I was trying to keep Gunilla on the right course. This wasn´t easy, I think I was at least 20 degrees off course most of the time. Whenever I finally got back on course, it didn´t take long before a wave would knock Gunilla of again.
A new day started at 07:00, I got up and had outmeal with applesauce before my watch. Today I was on kitchen duty, which I enjoy. We served breakfast, then gave the watch crew their 10 o´clock coffee break before preparing for lunch. The watch flew by, and during that time, we saw the pilot boat arrive and drop off the pilot who would help guide us into the dock. We docked around 14:00, right in the middle of Dublin, but no one was allowed to leave the ship until after dinner because we had classes in the afternoon. After dinner I went with a few others to explore the city before it was time to go to bed.
Filippa W
Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö
Telefon: 031-97 62 00