Öckerö gymnasium

A sleepy day

Although this was the last day in La Coruña, I was so tired that I decided to sleep instead of going out. I really needed to catch up on my sleeping schedule. In earlier days I didn’t rest that much at all because I usually find other things much more fun than sleeping. So after the lineup, I went to my bunk again to get some more sleep.

Starboard and I were the only ones who were left on the boat. When I woke up again, the clock was already 3 pm and I had slept through lunch! I really needed to sleep AND study. Half the day had already flown by and I hadn’t done a single important thing.

I decided to skip studying and make the best out of the last day in La Coruña instead. It was raining outdoors and the wind was very strong. I met up with my friends to eat something but almost all the restaurants were closed. I felt how my stomach just screamed after food because I hadn’t eaten anything other than breakfast that day. When I don't get food I get pretty annoying. So we went to a grocery store but realized after a while that those stores are also closed under the “siesta”. I started to get a little annoyed because I hate Spain's siesta. What is it really for? Who even wants to sleep in the middle of the day?

Anyways, although my stomach needed food, I had to wait for all the food places to open again. After a few hours in some different tourist shops, we went to a 5-star sushi restaurant and that was the best sushi I have eaten in a very long time. I ate so quickly that I didn’t get a chance to enjoy the food so all I wanted was to eat more. However, it was only half an hour left until we needed to be home so we hurried back to Gunilla. We were all very tired so we went to bed almost immediately when we got home.

Hope you guys are fine, bye!

Malou Davnert SAS1922


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se