Öckerö gymnasium

Atlantic talk

Today was Friday the 13th. Even though it was the day of bad luck, I can't recall anything bad happening. 

In my watch, midship, one girl climbed to the top of the mast and one girl climbed halfway up for the first time. Everyone is very proud of them. This was in the morning and at the watch in the evening we climbed some more before we cleaned under deck. At the night snack we got watermelon which is unusual but it was good. After the snack we had Atlantic talk which is like a short presentation of yourself that you give to your watch. Today was my turn so I talked a little and answered some questions afterwards. Now it sounds like you have to prepare and have a PowerPoint but it's nothing like that, you just talk and it's really cozy.

Our lessons today were Swedish, religion and science. In Swedish we are writing a story about a person on Cape Verde that we saw. It's fun and I think it was the first lesson during the voyage that everyone was quiet and worked. In religion we can choose ourselves how to present our facts. My group is writing a song and I know another group is doing a talk show. It's funny how everyone thought religion was so much more fun now when we can do almost whatever we want. Since we've been on the hike everyone has a lot to write in science so it was a very productive day, school wise.

I hope everything is good at home or where ever you are reading this. We're thinking of you on our trip over the Atlantic ocean.

Hugs and kisses

Karin Drake


Öckerö seglande gymnasieskola
Björnhuvudsvägen 45
475 31 Öckerö

Telefon: 031-97 62 00
e-post: kommun@ockero.se